Kristina unearthed 3 lizard eggs one day which promptly hatched before our eyes... it was phenomenal! We've also unearthed a tarantula den, other lizards and eggs, and a small non-venomous snake from our piles of dirt. |

This 2" spider is called an Ariotrope- such a beautiful creature and a beautiful web it spins as well- with a "zipper" down the middle.

Lacewing eggs on their stalks were placed on the underside of this tire. We see many variety of insect eggs on our tires

2 walking sticks "walking" together... we see alot of walking sticks, and praying mantis out here, of all sizes.

the footprints of a wood rat in the soft sandy dirt. I actually went and bought a wildlife reference book to ID these tiny prints we were finding hither and thither out at "our place"

Friendly cat whom the kids dubbed "marshmallow". He hung out with us for a few weeks then disappeared.

yes, this is a rare "great horned lizard", or "horny toad" which we see from time to time out here. The kids are always fascinated by them, and share them with each other for a few moments before seeing them to a safe place out of harm's way, as they are protected.
Tarantula den? ::faints::